Customs and traditions
Od oktobra 2021 smo 1. skupina devetošolcev vključeni v mednarodni projekt preko platforme eTwinning. V projektu, ki nosi naslov Customs & traditions, sodeluje 7 različnih šol iz sedmih evropskih držav. To so poleg Slovenije in Španije, ki sta si projekt idejno zamislili, še Portugalska, Italija, Francija, Grčija in Gruzija.
Vsaka država vsak mesec predstavi en običaj, ki je zanjo značilen oziroma zanimiv.
Oktobra smo tako predstavili Pikin festival. Opis je prispeval Leon iz 9.a in si ga lahko preberete tukaj.
Pippi’s festival is the first and the only festival for children in Slovenia. It’s beginning reaches back to the year 1990, when a few cultural organisations from Velenje decided to create a one-day event for kids. They named it after a popular book heroine Pippi Longstocking which is a main character from Astrid Lindgren’s book also called Pippi Longstocking.
Through the time Pippi’s festival has evolved and more and more cultural activities such as theatre performances for children, creative workshops and sport activities were included to the festival. The festival was also extended and nowadays it lasts for a whole week. It is usually performing out of the town, on the verge of the Velenje lake. There were a couple new events added among others there is Pippi’s photographic competition in which children from every Slovenian school can participate. They send their photos that are relating to particular topic. Expert commission then chooses the best photo and rewards the winner. Another also interesting activity organised as part of Pippi’s festival is Pippi’s reading badge. Children who participate in it must read four determined books from start of September until the end of the festival which is about on the end of September.
The peak of the festival is on the last day and it is called Pippi’s day. On that day most events take their place. There are a few performances, concerts and whole town is decorated in figures of Pippi Longstocking and other characters from the book. Also, there is an interesting habit, that for the time of the festival Pippi becomes a major of Velenje. In figurative meaning that means that we must step away from ours everyday routines for a week and enjoy in the beauty of childhood. (by Leon)
Inja je narisala Piko in njene prijatelje. Well done Inja!
V učilnici smo si uredili tudi kotiček, ki je namenjen našemu projektu.
Novembra smo predstavili tradicionalni slovenski zajtrk, pripravljamo pa tudi predstavitev šole in mesta Velenje.
December bo tudi v našem projektu praznično obarvan. Naredili smo Countries’ circle, ki pomeni in pove, da bo vsaka država poslala en paket nacionalnih dobrot v drugo državo in bo en paket od ene od partnerskih držav tudi prejela. Mi smo tako poslali paket presenečenja na Portugalsko, prejeli pa ga bomo iz Španije. We can’t wait!
Pripravili smo tudi praznične voščilnice, ki smo jih poslali v vsako sodelujočo državo.